Employee Matching Donations

Like many of us, organizations want to make this world a better place and choose to invest in ways to do so. Some make donations to charities chosen by the organization’s leadership, while some decide to invest in their employees and causes in which their employees believe in through employee match programs. Utilizing this type of giving allows not only your contribution to have a higher return and impact at the Hall of Fame but engages your organization as well. 

Each organization is different and in-turn employee matching programs vary between organizations.  While it is a simple process, you should reach out to your Human Resources department to start learning more information on their program and confirm your organization’s stance and plan. Standard topics to ask are:

  • Whether your organization has an employee match program
  • What is the match ratio for your organization (i.e., 1:1 or 2:1 or more)
  • Are there maximums or minimums for the program
  • Is there a deadline in which donations must be submitted to the employer 
  • What documentation is needed from yourself and the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame
  • Who within the organization should this documentation be submitted to

Once this information is known, the next step is to consider your donation amount and then donate. The Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame, Inc. is a registered tax-exempt charitable organization with 100% of gifts tax deductible and eligible for most employee matching programs. All donors will receive a letter signifying the donation amount, date, and our unique tax information. This letter is typically needed for the employee match program and must be provided by the employee to the correct department within the employing organization. 

If you have any questions on employee matching gifts or your organization requires additional information, please contact Development Director, Cory Criswell, at 765-529-1891 x7 or [email protected].

Hall of Fame Matching

Basketball, like life, is much easier when you have good teammates, and the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame wants to reward those who give us an assist towards our goal. Similar to the employee matching program that many organizations utilize, the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame will match dollar-for-dollar each donation we receive from individual donors towards the Past & Present, Forever campaign up to $2 million.  

Hall of Fame staff will automatically add this matching to our cumulative total.

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